"Can the Anthropocene Be Exhibited?" at the Exploratorium
Sep 28, 2016
Jason Groves moderates Sara Dean and Etienne Turpin around the topic of the possibilities of exhibiting the Anthropocene. As part of the Lab & Lunch series, hosted by the Bay Observatory at the Exploratorium in San Francisco, Etienne and Sara will discuss the topic starting with their work and moving out into territories of museums, curation, collection, and reconfiguration of narratives.
"How can museums and other cultural institutions better address the increasing volatility and vulnerability in the Earth system? How can museums facilitate observation of human impacts on the atmosphere, the lithosphere, and everything in between? Can such observation become a truly public enterprise?
Join moderator Jason Groves and curators Sara Dean and Etienne Turpin for a wide-ranging discussion of contemporary aesthetic, curatorial, and archival strategies for observing the signals of a new epoch of geologic time informally known as the Anthropocene."